| 1. | On supervising and directing teaching 关于加强教学督导工作的几点思考 |
| 2. | Some of this is direct teaching : the training of correct behaviour , of what is acceptable and what isnt 教育。有部份来自直接教育:正确行为的训练,什么是可接受的,什么不是。 |
| 3. | In the old times , people became wise men or women because of direct communication with god , or through direct teaching from the most high 有些古时候的人,因为能够直接跟上帝沟通,或直接获得最高力量的教诲,所以成为智慧通达的人。 |
| 4. | Any other religion from before that time was just theory . so when christ was alive , that religion was real . because of the direct teaching , people could see the light and communicate with god 所以当基督在世时,他所代表的宗教就是真正的宗教,因为有明师的直接教导,人们才可以看到内在的光与上帝沟通。 |
| 5. | As we read through the gospel records , let us consider the many parables and direct teachings he gave about judas ' problem ? and it may well be ours ? ? of placing trust in material things 根据福音书的记载,让我们都能从犹大的身上汲取一些教训?而犹大的问题很可能就在我们身上发生,就是把这种信仰放在了物质财富上面。 |
| 6. | Although the foreign language direct teaching method is very popular today , it is not scientific for us to lump together all and ignore the proper application of the mother tongue in foreign language teaching 尽管在外语直接法日益流行的今天,我们也不可一概而论,忽视了母语在中国中学外语教学中的地位和作用。 |
| 7. | And once we are connected within , we always have the direct teaching . that s why you become wiser , you become more knowledgeable in all things , and whenever the situation arises , you know what to do 一旦我们内边连接起来,我们就永远有直接的教导,所以你们变得更聪明了,你们在各方面都显得更有知识,不管发生什么情况,你们都知道该怎么做。 |
| 8. | Since they have all their physical material needs satisfied , master was offering them spiritual food : the choice to meet god directly and receive god s direct teaching in order to go home , if they were ready 既然他们已有一切物质福报,她愿意贡献给他们精神的粮食:任何人若已经准备好了,就可以亲自见到上帝得到上帝直接的教导,回到天国的家乡。 |
| 9. | The thesis , based on the teacher ' s direct teaching experience and guided by new curriculum standards , treats the practical modes and the execution of cooperation study in senior middle schools . it is divided into three parts 本文从围绕物理学科教学的角度出发,以教师的直接教学经验为基础,以新课程标准为指导,探讨合作学习在高中阶段的具体模式及其操作。 |
| 10. | It s absolutely one hundred percent correct to say " no other religion " because at that time , muhammad was transmitting the direct teaching from god . so , for those who believed in muhammad when he was alive and who received the direct teaching from him , islam was the only real teaching because the master was still alive and was transmitting the real teaching directly 因为那时候穆罕默德所传授的是直接来自上帝的教理,所以当穆罕默德在世时,对那些信徒和直接传承的弟子而言,只有伊斯兰教才是真正的宗教,因为有在世明师直接传授真正的教理,至于当时其他既有的宗教,都只剩下理论而已。 |